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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We need more peace!
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Today more than ever, I've noticed more confusion, more hatred, more war, more danger, more reminders of the way life used to be, more permission to be destructive of any moralistic fiber that may have existed before.

I could be exaggerating, but peace is the most valuable, the most extravagant the best, most valuable compensation we could have for simply giving life our best, and shifting your attention to appreciate the rest.

The truth is, the rest of life are either lessons or b'lessons. Either way, we win! You win when you seek not peace from outside of yourself, but you win when you turn the faucet on that pours power filled peace from inside your soul. I'm talking about the peace that can step between two angry people, non-biased and employ your heart of peace commanding the relaxation of focus into valuing the well-being or each other as you live that moment to the fullest, valuing each of them. Are you strong enough to live in the peace that surpasses all understanding? Are you?

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