Hi friends and associates,
I've been hurt badly this past week. Yesterday I met with and ate the last dinner with a friend, Scott, a day before he celebrated his 50th birthday. Scott said something that really got me thinking, "Expressing ourselves in the time of anger, or hurt feelings is good. It's being honest with ourselves. What we have to be careful of is in that expression, we do not turn ourselves into jerks." What I wondered is, "How do we measure that beyond the simple, 'not to treat others bad along the way,' and 'Should we care how others perceive our expression?"
During the week I did a lot of ranting about how I felt I was treated by Facebook, and people that haven't taken the chance to get to know me on Facebook. The case was simply I was blocked, and Facebook gave me a final warning threatening to close my profile because I requested friends with someone I did not know. I wondered if they ever read my profile. I didn't want to use the "P" word that got so famous in the 60's civil right movement, but I wondered, 'was that the case?"
I went so far as to place an ad giving away $5,000 as pay back.
I consider the $5,000 to be a trade off for sharing "How-To" LIVE IN COMPASSION ideas with youth. Persons awarded put $5,000 in their bank account and the message connects with youth for the higher cause of caring about others. The money would be profit for book sales.That's worth it to me.
My novel is based on a true story I was blessed to witness that demonstrates compassionate youth in action, and the main character expressing her emotions through the hurt she experienced during her efforts to be her best.
For research the link is here: http://www.recordsongs.us/5thousand.htm
What do you think?