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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

From EWMarketing

Why Not TODAY…
Mend a quarrel…
Seek out a forgotten friend...
Write a love letter…
Share some treasure…
Give a soft answer…
Encourage youth…
Keep a promise…
Forgive an enemy…
Find the time…
Apologize if you were wrong…
Think first of someone else…
Be kind and gentle…
Laugh a little…
Laugh a little more…
Express your gratitude…
Gladden the heart of a child…
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth…
Speak your love…
Speak it again…
Speak it still once again…

MAY THIS NEW YEAR BE "YOUR" YEAR … in every possible way!!

Peace and Love,



To each person there is given the ability to control themselves. Why must we then exceed our boundaries by attempting to control others? If we truly want to control our destiny, we must first learn control of self. Always let love guide your thoughts and your thoughts will guide you to love.

Tony Dollars said...

May it be that some use a different definition of love than others? I have heard it said that a person can not make choice 3 if they only know choice 1 & 2. Could expanding boundaries actually be a good thing? Where there is desire should we share?