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Monday, February 25, 2008

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Repetition Makes You Good

Your Secret: You can get good at anything! Simply do it over, and over. After a while, it becomes a habit. Before you even consider the fact that you have developed a habit, you have gotten good at doing that thing you haven't even thought about.

The way we are, what we have, and the mindset to make the choices we make has been developing over years of repetition. The good news is:

“WE CAN CHANGE!” “EVERYTHING!!!” (Change: from here, to desire.)

Well, almost everything, we CAN change our minds at least. In some cases, we can even change our appearances.

When it comes to mental choices, we must first recognize the need change. Like building a business, first find a need, and fill it. In the process of researching ways to change, you will want to make it affordable for you to make the change.

Mental choices or “Mind-Sets,” in effect: our likes, dislikes, turn-ons, turn-offs, things we are particular about, and things (or people), we don’t care much for are all mental and cause us to make physical choices. They even cause our bodies to behave certain ways. They release chemicals inside of us that we feel as emotions. These emotions make us think we should make that choice. This emotional behavior or habit is based on repetitive exposure.

Think about it, being wealthy, poor, investing, or simply spending and wanting more, even being happy with what you have and who you are, all are products of your repetitive exposure. In other words, it all started because you saw it repeated somewhere then started repeating it yourself.

You can change from depression, financial bondage, hatred, being too picky, not being selective enough, unorganized, unplanned, or any other behavioral pattern that is not producing the results you need. Find the need and fill it. Build a new “Mind-Set.” A mind set consists of a system, a corresponding thought process. Which means you may think, “I don’t like reading much, so I may not do so well in school.” Or, if you didn’t do well in school in the past, you think you may not do well now. Even, “If I like it, I should buy it, (or do it).”

Building a new mental state on mind, a new “Mind-Set,” is like building a business. Knowing there is a need comes first, the desire to fill that need builds from there. In the process of research, you will want to make it affordable for you to conduct business. You don’t need a college you simply need a schedule.

I propose the following first steps to create a “Change Sheet”:

  1. On the second page of a new note book, draw a line down the middle.
  2. Make preparation to answer yourself, (Two spaces of lines)
  3. Write down things about you, you would like to see changed. (left side)
  4. Write how you may approach the change. (right side)
  5. Write the cost of that approach on the second line. (left side)
  6. Write a length of time you want to see the change. (right side)
  7. Under each change you want, repeat steps 5, and 6.

It is highly important to see the change you want before you can be the change. After the change is written, it becomes more real in your mind.

With your “Change Sheet” complete, go back to the first page and create a check list. You will use this check list to acknowledge completing or at least creating a habit toward your goal.

Turn to the page after your “Change Sheet” and start writing your “Success Plan.” Your “Success Plan” is a set of numbers. These are times you will put in place the things you know you need to do to create the change you need.

I like to write every half hour of the day and assign it to some activity. Then I don’t want to be so stuck in my mind that I allow myself to get frustrated when I don’t fill each time slot with its’ particular prescription. I simply add them to the next day. Be careful of that because requirements can pile up easy.

Some references to help change your “Mind-Set,” are:

Life offers a list that is literally “Lattitude Unlimited.”

These are all for the purpose of compassion.

Now to you I leave

Peace & Love

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