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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Standing in the motion of Life

Life doesn't stop. Whether we are watching television, at work, sleeping, or simply sitting listening to the quiet whispers, life is moving on. The harsh reality is, "Life will go on with or without our participation."

"I Wish."

Do you say this to yourself?

It's kind of like speaking the desire for a dream to become reality. I worked in a factory once. The owner (Robert) had spent over $250,000 setting up the building and machinery. There was no profit for two years. He hired trainers, managers, and workers. He bought raw material and more equipment.

I earned around $10 an hour working for Robert. All while Robert was paying mortgage, Lights and gas bills, equipment fees, and salary, he was hoping to see some kind of profit materialize, still, no profit. Robert was getting deeper and deeper in a financial hole that seemed he would soon be unable to climb out of.

While traveling from Mexico on the airplane one evening Robert struck up a conversation with the guy sitting next to him. He told the guy all about his near financial death experience, and the guy told him about his company. It was during that conversation that they knew there was good in being open for conversation and being open to help one another other. They agreed to search for answers for the needs of one another.

Robert left the terminal happy to go back to work the next morning. This time he was going to work with a rejuvenated spirit to accomplish a new goal. Roberts had developed an unprofitable corn and floor product making factory. His new goal was to create chips that dip and have no holes. My job from that day forward was to search the conveyer belt for chips with holes as they speed past me. I enjoyed the eye and hand coordinated target practice of picking chip with holes out. I got good at it. The remainder of the chips would fall into a plastic lined box on the floor at the end of the belt. The chips with holes sold to farmers for pig slop.

The following year Robert’s unprofitable corn and floor product making factory turned a profit. The profit happened because of the compassion he showed a friend he made on an airplane ride. That year Robert made over $18,000,000. The following year Robert’s company earned approximately $42,000,000.

Robert had a dream. Instead of Robert saying, “I Wish,” Robert got busy making his dream happen. He never gave up hoping one day he would find the right formula. Instead of waiting for something to happen, Robert began moving forward making his dream happen. Along the way, he met the owner of a national restaurant; compassionately changed his format to fit the needs of his new friend’s dream, and the rest is history.

Two sayings I will leave with you.

My mother used to say, “It’s a sin to wish. Work for what you want.”

Mr. Johnson of ‘Johnson & Johnson’ products said, “If you find a way to provide people with what they need, the people will be happy to pay for it.”

A third saying, “Do it with Compassion.”

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