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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Can we really do that?

Sometimes I wonder if I really make a difference in what I am thinking, or hurting about. I think most people feel the same. Only time will tell if our efforts are effective toward change. The more effective consideration is the effort we give ourselves.

I heard it said, "Thoughts become things." "What a man thinketh, so shall he be." and "What a person thinks about, they attract more of that to themselves."

With all the reading, exposure, and experience of my "Now" times, I have come to conclude that these sayings are lasting because of the power in their truth.

I know that is hard to absorb because it is easy to look at another and say, "I didn't make them do that." True, we don't make other people do what they do, or say what they say. But the more we focus on that, the more power we give to that thought, the more time we are giving to accumulating those thoughts, and the less time we have to focus on those good and positive thoughts of our own. Remember time is a gift to us, what we do with it is our gift back.

My uncle used to tell me, "The same time you spend thinking on what someone else did negative is time you could have been spending on what you can do positive."

Then I heard some church folk say, "Don't let NO ONE steal your joy." When it all comes down, where you allow your thoughts to settle is all up to you. The reality is, the more you think a thing, the more you are building a habit of thinking that thing.

My question is,
"If thinking it doesn't feel good, why art thou giving it so mucheth timeth?"

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