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Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to handle exreme frustration

You felt it necessary to say what was on your mind to your partner. You did not know how it would be accepted. It happens to each of us at some point in our relationships.

You voiced what was on your heart. It some how found its way to offend your partner. To offend was no intent of your own.

You found yourself defending your statement saying you meant no harm. You took the mental position that, 'it is best not to say similar things at all.'

In my book there is word translated in detail. It may be used in similar situations. The word is "Love." It explains just how to come to peace within yourself and in your relationship. The process applies wide and tall to many forms of relationships. We will discuss these matters on this Blog.

First, may I ask you...

How do you handle situations like this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amiable post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.